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Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny

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Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny Empty Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny

Mensaje por Maese Mateo Vie Nov 06, 2009 10:45 pm

Finalmente le dejo los spoilers del último de los 3 libros, el de las queridas Doncellas del Destino.

Es importante destacar que no hay Charms convencionales en este libro, ya que como bien se dice en MoEP: Siderals, la lista que allí nos dan es completa.

Sin embargo el libro cuenta con nuevos estilos de artes marciale celestes y uno sideral.
Pasando a lo jugoso les dejo los algunos Charms del estilo Sideral, el cual está inpirado en el sexo.


Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4;
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
…who desired the ideal lover.
Clearing her mind of all but the sensation of
the moment, the martial artist cuts her gaze across
an opponent. In so doing she sees him anew, with
unsurpassed clarity. The character immediately
gains the following knowledge about one indi-
vidual: what manner of being the target is (Solar
Exalt, god, raksha, etc), which martial arts styles
he knows at least one Charm from, which martial
arts styles he knows up to the Form-type Charm,
which martial arts styles he has mastered, whether
he has any Intimacies toward the martial artist, and
the nature of those Intimacies, if they exist.
For the rest of the scene, the martial artist
gains a +2 bonus to her DVs and MDVs against
any opponent she has evaluated in this manner.
Into Infinite Depths may be activated as an innate
power, which does not count as a Charm activation
if Sapphire Veil of Passion Form is active.

Cost: 5m, 3wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4;
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Yellow Dragon Flight
and smiling girls.
Stepping back from determined opposition, the
martial artist swirls with onyx ribbons. Channeling
her understanding of the female principle of Essence,
she enhances an unarmed parry against any attack
she can perceive, even unblockable attacks, render-
ing the defense it provides perfect. Additionally, the
martial artist regains one channel of any Virtue of
her choice for every five motes or fraction thereof the
opponent spent on the blocked attack. For example,
if an opponent spends one to five motes, the martial
artist regains one channel. If an opponent spends six
to 10 motes, the martial artist regains two channels
(one for the first set of five motes, and another for
the remainder in the second set of five motes).

Cost: 13m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Crippling, Form-type, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Black Dragon Coils, Satisfying
Idle Fantasy, One complete Celestial martial art
the maiden was satisfied.
The martial artist executes a languid kata,
hesitates a moment, and then erupts into a shud-
dering battle pattern. Her anima unfolds into a
towering, shifting array of cerulean and sapphire
ribbons, which twine about her body even as they
strain for the sky. She levitates a finger’s length
above the ground as she moves, incidentally gain-
ing perfect balance and the ability to move safely
over hazardous terrain. Players of all characters
who possess any sort of Intimacy toward her,
positive or negative, must fail a Compassion roll
or pay one Willpower per attack made against
her. If she manages to strike any character who
possesses no Essence or Willpower (non-Essence
users are not evaluated for current Essence, only
Willpower) with an unarmed attack, that char-
acter is immediately rendered unconscious for
(attacker’s Martial Arts) hours as a Crippling
effect. Finally, she gains five motes whenever her
DV refreshes.

Cost: 16m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5;
Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-basic, Obvious, Shaping, Stack-
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Joy in Ownership
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Joy in Ownership
pursuing it past a line of all her former lovers,
Try as they might, the martial artist’s former
conquests cannot shake that status. This Charm
supplements an unarmed attack, rendering it un-
blockable and undodgeable if any of the following
criteria apply to the target:
• The martial artist has defeated the target in
combat at some point in the past (defined as hav-
ing rendered the target unconscious, or the target
having voluntarily admitted defeat or surrendered
to the martial artist on the field of battle, even if
only in a sparring match).
• The target carries an Intimacy of any sort for
the martial artist.
• The martial artist owns the target.
• The target suffers from any Crippling effect
inflicted by the martial artist.
If two or more of these criteria apply to the
target, the attack is also considered unexpected.
Maese Mateo
Maese Mateo

Sexo : Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1647
Edad : 37
Localización : Argentina
Fecha de inscripción : 09/03/2009

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Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny Empty Re: Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny

Mensaje por Maese Mateo Vie Nov 06, 2009 10:50 pm

Luego el liro incorpora algo muy interesante que es la Greater Astrology, la cual está compuesta de los Charms que utlizaban los Siderales durante la Primordial War. Luego de que esta terminara las Doncellas selleron estos Charms en el Telar del Destino, ya que su poder era deasado grande.
Solo de ser neceario las Doncellas romperán los sellos y otorgarán estos poderes a sus Elegidos.

Los Charms tienen como requisitos la Esencia del Sideral y determinado Colegio Astrologico del que depende el Charm.
La "p" en el coste de los Charm significa "paradox". Un Charm de "4p" provoca que el Sideral gane 4 puntos de paradoja.

Cost: 7m, 1p; Mins: The Mast 3, Essence 4;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Fate, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Grasping the skein of fate in his fist, the
Sidereal forges an unalterable path between his
killing intent and the heart of an opponent. The
Vizier makes an attack at his full dice pool with
the offensive Ability of his choice. This attack
is unblockable, undodgeable, and strikes with a
threshold of at least 0 successes for the purpose
of calculating raw damage, even if it should have
otherwise missed. No attack may strike the Sidereal
until his next action.

Cost: 13m, 3p; Mins: The Pillar 3, Essence 4;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Shaping
Duration: Until Calibration
Those who regard the Vizier well find that
he is never far from their hearts, like it or not.
All characters who hold a positive Intimacy
toward the Sidereal at the time of this Charm’s
invocation find that for its duration, that Inti-
macy cannot be permanently removed. If lost or
altered, the Intimacy reasserts itself an hour after
the next sunset. This Charm cannot be invoked
during Calibration.

Cost: 2m, 1p; Mins: The Corpse 3, Essence 4;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Fate, Shaping
Duration: One scene
Mastery of destiny cannot avert death, but
it can at least ensure a dignified passing. While
this Charm is in effect, the Sidereal does not lose
consciousness if his Incapacitated health level fills
with bashing or lethal damage, nor does lethal
damage proceed into his Dying health levels.
Instead, once his Incapacitated health level has
filled with lethal damage, subsequent damage
converts existing lethal damage to aggravated.
If the Sidereal’s Incapacitated health level fills
with aggravated damage, he is mortally wounded
and begins dying as normal. If slain, this Charm
ensures that the Vizier’s corpse remains relatively
intact and dignified enough to allow for an open-
casket funeral.

Cost: 30m, 2wp, 9p; Mins: The Crow 5, Essence 5;
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Fate, Shaping, Touch
Duration: One week
Laying a hand upon a consenting demon, the
Sidereal transforms that spirit into a god. The demon
is immediately removed from its governing Yozi’s
soul hierarchy as though slain with Ghost-Eating
Technique, and no longer retains any metaphysi-
cal link to the titan of which it was once a part.
Although subjected to many alterations, including
shifts in personality, Charms, and other traits (all
at the Storyteller’s discretion, as the Sidereal has
no say in these changes), the new god retains its
previous Essence rating and memories, and often
many traces of its former nature. The more power-
ful a demon is, the less it is likely to be changed by
transformation into a god.
Demons of the Second Circle or higher must
be made subject to fate before this Charm will
function on them.
Maese Mateo
Maese Mateo

Sexo : Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1647
Edad : 37
Localización : Argentina
Fecha de inscripción : 09/03/2009

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Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny Empty Re: Spoilers de Glories of the Most High: The Maidens of Destiny

Mensaje por Maese Mateo Vie Nov 06, 2009 10:53 pm

Les dejo la Motivación de cada Doncella:

Mercury: “Make sure all things go where they should.”
Venus: “Make sure all things come together as they should.”
Mars: “Make sure all things come into conflict as they should.”
Jupiter: “Ensure the preservation of all knowledge for the time it must be known.”
Saturn: “Make sure all things end as they should.”

Las siguientes Intimacies son compartidas por las cinco:

The Intimacies of the Maidens are strange and rarely appear to make sense to other beings when the goddesses deign to share them. Yet, the five share the following common attachments: the Tapestry (Awe), the future (Hope), the present (Delight), the past (Satisfaction), Oblivion (Horror), Other Maidens (Camaraderie), the Fivescore Fellowship (Exasperated Affection), Autochthon (Wary Gratitude), Gaia (Respect), the Yozis (Sorrow), Luna and the Unconquered Sun (Uneasy Friendship) and pattern spiders (Pride).
Maese Mateo
Maese Mateo

Sexo : Masculino Cantidad de envíos : 1647
Edad : 37
Localización : Argentina
Fecha de inscripción : 09/03/2009

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